By Munirah Munawar Ali
Shakespeare, W. (2009). The Winter’s Tale. United States of America:
Modern Library Paperback Edition.
Leontes - King of Sicilia
Hermione - his queen
Mamilius - their son, a child
Perdita - their daughter
Camilo - lords at the Sicilian court
Antigonus - lords at the Sicilian court
Cleomenes - lords at the Sicilian court
Dion - lords at the Sicilian court
Paulina - a lady, wife of Antigonus
Emilia - a lady attending upon Hermione
Polixeness - King of Bohemia
Florizel - his son
Archidamus - a lord of Bohemia
Old Shepherd - reputed father of Perdita
Clown - his son
Autolycus - a rogue, formerly in the service of Prince Florizel
A mariner, a jailer, other Lords, Gentlemen, Servants.
Time, as chorus.
Shepherds and shepherdesses including Mopsa and Dorcas.
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